Supervision & Consultation

With Feeling

I provide consultation to individual therapists and community based organisations in a few ways.

Supervision & secondary consultation

Counsellors, therapists and other clinicians are welcome to contact me if they need information, supervision or clinical consultation regarding issues with which they are not familiar or comfortable – such as sexuality and sexual function, alternative or non-traditional relationships, gender identity, or trauma.

Seminars and training

I enjoy developing interactive, engaging and fun seminars, workshops and training programs that create a positive environment in which participants can contribute, learn and develop.

Over the past few years, I have delivered a variety of clinically focused seminars to a wide range of professional groups and agencies, focused on working with LGBTIQA+ clients. These seminars go beyond information provision to include time and space for personal reflection and professional practice.

I also have experience working with community based, volunteer and not-for-profit organisations where I have developed programs in working with young people, management, and personal development.

I tailor programs to meet the specific needs of the group/ organisation and can provide:

  • information sessions – focused on a particular issue such as gender identity, sexuality, HIV & sexual health, mental health and self-care
  • practice enhancing workshops – that provide more time to allow for reflect on practice, for example, ways to be inclusive of sex and gender diversity in counselling or other services
  • training programs – aimed at developing effective skills, such as working effectively with young people, conflict resolution, or management skills development.

Policy development and program response

I have assisted community-based agencies in developing policies and programs that respond to identified needs.  This includes writing proposals, developing frameworks and policy positions, facilitating organisational response to an issue or crisis, and creating and delivering training, support and other programs.

Contact me for any of the above via my contact form or by calling me on zero four one seven three six five nine six zero during business hours.